Anyanwu ☀️

Anyanwu 👁☀️

Artists: The Ezeks Twins

Anyanwu ☀️ is one of our artwork composed of triangular upcycled broken mirrors arranged by hands in a sacred geometric pattern.

It means “Eye of the sun” in Igbo, our language and ethnic group ☀️

Sacred Geometry Art

Sacred Geometry is Nature’s way of speaking to us through patterns that occur naturally in the universe. Its patterns are a merge of science, Nature, and spirituality, and its meanings are only available to those who listen to Nature.

Our sacred geometry art integrates science, mathematics, our Gospel of Nature lessons, and our African ancestral knowledge.

This adds new layers of meaning to the standard sacred geometry and takes it to a level we call Sacred Geometry 3.0.

Why Triangles?

Anyanwu is composed of triangles. In mathematics, a triangle is called Delta, which means “Change”. Therefore each triangle in our Anyanwu art represents change.

In the middle of each artwork, the triangles are positioned to face within/inside before they begin to spread out.

This means that the change we want to see in our world begins from within us. When we begin to intentionally change ourselves, it gives us the power to inspire others and change the world.

Why Triangles?

The 3 corners of the triangles represent the Framework – the steps to changing intentionally, by

1. By slowing down
2. By giving gratitude
3. By taking responsibility

By owning and seeing an Anyanwu art, one is reminded to practice these steps daily for a more intentional life.