Plantern ❇️

Plantern ❇️

Artists: The Ezeks Twins

As kids who grew up in Nigeria where electricity was infrequent, lanterns were how we had light. Our grandma would send us to buy kerosene, which we’d carefully pour into the lantern’s kerosene tank. It wasn’t safe and it produced a considerable amount of smoke indoors but it gave us light…and for that we were grateful 🙏🏾

Fast forward two decades later and we’d never used and hardly seen lanterns, so when we found them in a shop, it brought back all the nostalgia of the times with our grandma. We knew we could honor these memories by creating art from the lanterns. Nature is art, so we combined Nature with our nostalgia to create something new 🌱

To achieve this fusion of lantern and plants, we take out the lantern’s top and fill the glass space with soil, then top it off with our plant 🌸

How does the plant survive? How do we water it? Here’s how our lantern flowerpot works 👇🏾

The plant in the lantern is kept hydrated through wick watering. As the soil in the lantern dries out, the wick draws water from the repurposed kerosene tank to hydrate the plant. When the soil is saturated enough, the wick stops pulling water 💦

It’s an ingenious system that ensures the plant always adequately stays hydrated and flowering 🌼

Our Planterns (Plants + Lanterns) are a reminder that we all have the ability to redesign past energies in our lives into better, greener, and more sustainable energies that support us, others, and life ❤️

All it requires is slowing down to see them, giving gratitude for what works, and taking responsibility for creating something new 🌸