Akanka Spaces are nature-centered spaces connecting individuals, organizations and communities committed to becoming more intentional about life. 🌺 Become a Member


Nurture Your Mind, Body, & Soul
  • Mindful Eating

    Eating mindfully can lead to positive and lasting changes; it teaches us to savor every bite and helps develop a healthy relationship with food. According to the  Center for Mindful Eating “Mindful eating has an intent that at the end of the meal the person will feel physically better after eating than before.” In this experiential session, we’ll treat you to a healthy ethnic meal at the Sanctuary of Nature and teach you how to develop your mindfulness by slowing down to eat mindfully. Two people max, so it's a perfect session for a date. Main Course: Starch and Banga Fruit: Watermelon, Pineapple, Papaya Dessert: Tigernut Smoothie, Beetroot & Banana Smoothie - The Ezeks Twins
  • Deep work

    "Deep work challenges people to regularly accomplish difficult and meaningful tasks. It essentially provides a framework for accessing and extending productive flow states – where we produce our best work. When we achieve something valuable, we feel an intense sense of happiness, purpose, and satisfaction." In this experiential session, we’ll provide a conducive space for you to do deep work and teach you how to develop your mindfulness and reach a highly productive flow state with techniques like the Pomodoro method. - The Ezeks Twins
  • Mindful Hiking

    Stopping and consciously engaging our senses when out hiking not only calms and grounds us—relaxing both mind and body—but it also deepens our connection to the natural world. In this experiential session, we’ll hike the neighboring hill and teach you how to develop your mindfulness by slowing down to focus on your breath, engaging all your senses, meditating, and being present. - The Ezeks Twins